Teaching Force Method

Program Core: 4 Routines

2 hours per week structurally for teachers to cooperate, and lead the improvement of education.

Board Session for goal setting, improvement action planning, and progress tracking. (15 min. / week)

Develop & Prepare Lessons Together translate board session goals into lesson approaches and plans. (60 min. / 1-2 week)

Visit Each Others’ Lessons – Observe & Give Feedback together learn & improve the effects of lessons. (60 min. / 1-2 week)

Student Feedback


Method Model for Cultural Change

Addressing all 4 Aspects of Successful Transformation

"I change my attitude and behavior towards an improvement culture, if ..."

Creating Belief

“… I am convinced that an improvement culture can deliver better education – I agree, and it means a lot to me.”

Role Modeling

“… I see that school administrators and my colleagues (try to) implement the new way of working.”

Developing Skills

“… I am offered knowledge and skills that help me work in a new way.”

Setting up Systems

“… time is freed up, and a coach arranged, who supports us in making the needed changes.”

Creating Belief

School administrators and teachers together determine what they want to achieve, jointly take action, and celebrate their successes

School administrators and teachers together determine goals based on specific challenges, which at that time have priority within the school, and share responsibility for realizing desired outcomes

School has ownership for the program, and tailors it to existing circumstances and ambitions

At the start of the transformation, the school principal tells a personal story of change, which is written in cooperation with the team; explaining why the decision was made to join the program, and what they intend to achieve for the school

Role Modeling

Within the school, and within other participating schools in the region, there are role models who show through their behaviors that they are getting a little better every day

Not everyone starts at the same time: schools start with teams of 4-10 enthusiastic teachers, who help each other with the transformation, the first “wave” shares experiences and lessons with teachers in subsequent waves

School principal participates with the teachers; is present during board sessions, and provides the support in order for lesson visits to take place

Schools learn from each other during “pizza sessions”, where teachers from 8-12 schools participating in a regional circle meet to exchange learnings and best-practices, for example to see how board sessions are conducted at other schools